Improving Construction Bids

The professionals at Corporate Business Solutions utilize our knowledge, experience, technology, and an unrivaled commitment to providing client service to help bring about positive change in small to medium-size businesses.  Our business consultants have helped a number of contractor clients improve upon their bidding processes, which ultimately increases their bid to award ratios.

In the modern-day marketplace, many project owners are looking for more than just the lowest bidder.  Instead, they are analyzing price along with the reputation of the bidder. If you want to increase your chances of winning more profitable jobs, consider implementing some of these business tips:

  1. Marketing plan – Companies who invest in their futures make more money than those who don’t. Create an image, logo and marketing materials to build an impression of who you are, what you stand for and what you specialize in.
  2. Expertise, specialty or niche – Successful companies are known for being the best at something. Some are known for project types, difficult jobs, fast track or design-build. To be the best, your customer must know what you specialize in. Let them know and tell them again and again.
  3. Time and place is everything – Estimators are more than price givers. They are in the sales business and spend lots of time with their customers. To be at the right place at the right time, you must be in your customer’s office regularly.
  4. Expand your sales skills – To win great jobs takes professionalism, knowledge and confidence. Firms who are awarded more jobs are well trained in sales and presentation skills, and they show up at the project interview with their team rehearsed and ready to impress.
  5. Involved in industry and community- Successful companies are seen by everyone, everywhere. They are active in their industry associations and community organizations. They serve on boards of directors and give time and money to make things better.
  6. Technology – Industry leaders often use the latest tools, techniques and technology to stay ahead of and lead their customers. They show the future to their customers instead of complaining about changing.

To learn more about us and / or to schedule your complimentary appointment with the experts at Corporate Business Solutions, call us at 877-357-9366.

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