Social Media Marketing 101: 5 Tips for Running a Successful Facebook Ad

Small businesses often look for cost-effective advertising methods. That’s because your advertising budget (and overall budget in general) tends to be a little slim. You may not have the same amount of money as a large corporation does to spend on marketing. Luckily, Facebook has the option of posting and boosting ads that can go as cheap or expensive as you want.

Facebook ads can reach a wide range of audiences. However, if not done correctly, all that time and money spent creating the ad will get lost in news feeds that aren’t relevant to your current clientele. That is why the following five tips provided by reviews for Corporate Business Solutions will help you get the most out of your next Facebook ad.

Make it Eye-Catching

The goal of your ad is to grab the attention of your targeted audience. That is easier said than done. With social media, you need an ad that will stand out amongst all the jumble on an individual’s newsfeed – making an eye-catching and visually appealing ad will do that.

Use online services that allow you to design a graphic or short video to start. Especially if you’re new to social media advertising, getting help from online services will point you in the right direction.

Include a Call to Action

A call to action is a simple tool, yet often overlooked in any ad, not just a Facebook one. Adding a call to action is directing the audience to go precisely where you want them – a particular step that results in a sale for you.

Do not underestimate the value of an excellent call to action. Think of a short phrase (“click here now” or “learn more here,” for example) that tells the reader exactly what to do.

Narrow Down Your Target Audience

It’s crucial to have a defined target audience before you run an ad. That’s because if you pay for an ad without one, you’re wasting money on reaching for an audience that isn’t relevant to your business. Instead, if you narrow down to a more specific audience, your money will go further with your ad.

Track Your Progress

It doesn’t matter how much research and time you put into an ad. You’ll never honestly know how it will perform until you test it. That is why it’s essential to track the progress of your ad.

Facebook offers analytics to your ad. It can be overwhelming at first, but once you learn the basics of these analytics, you’ll be able to adequately track the ad’s performance and make tweaks where necessary.

Always Have a Goal in Mind

As with most aspects of running a business, you need to have a clearly defined goal in mind when creating an ad. Your goal helps narrow down what the ad will be, what details it needs, who you’re targeting, and even when you’ll post the ad.

Don’t let Facebook ads overwhelm you to the point of not even trying them. Yes, they can be challenging at first. However, with a little time and practice, you’ll be able to create an ad that draws in more customers, which eventually equals more sales.

Like your reflection.

4 Tips to Help You Run a Successful YouTube Channel

YouTube – the second largest search engine available (second to Google). It’s a powerful tool that many small businesses forget or think the platform isn’t for them. However, we’re here to tell you that you should utilize YouTube to reach your audience.

We’ve said it before about the benefits of starting a YouTube channel. Today, we’re here to help you be successful. It’s a tricky platform to gain traction on. With dedication and planning, though, you’ll be able to utilize YouTube to promote and grow your company.

Try the following four tips from and running a successful YouTube channel.

Create a Content Calendar

A content calendar is what it sounds like – a calendar you create that keeps track of all your content. YouTube likely isn’t the online social media platform you’re using (nor should it be). With so many avenues to take, it can get confusing and overwhelming.

Create a content calendar that maps out what you will post on social media and videos you plan to upload throughout the month. Have a separate section that breaks down your YouTube videos so you can plan them out ahead of time.

Consistently Upload

One of the worst things you can do for your YouTube channel is to upload periodically. If you want it to be successful, you need to have a consistent upload schedule.

A good idea is to start with weekly videos, if possible. Don’t set an unrealistic schedule for uploading multiple videos each week. Start at a reasonable level and work your way up if you want to.

Add Call to Actions in Your Video

Call to actions (CTAs) are a powerful statement that tells the viewer what you want them to do. You likely add them to your video description, but have you thought about adding them to your video?

Many YouTubers begin and end their videos with an introduction and a CTA to subscribe to their channel. Throughout the video, you can add CTAs to go to your website or social media accounts. YouTube has the option to add cards that allows the viewer to click and direct them to where you want.

Spend Time on the Title and Description

When searching on YouTube, the first thing you see is the video’s title, a few lines with a brief description, and its cover graphic. These are essential elements of uploading a video and are not ones you should quickly whip up.

Your title should include keywords related to your video. Remember, YouTube is a search engine. That means people are searching for specific words like they would on Google. To get your video recognized, include those keywords in the title and description of every video.

The cover graphic of your video should somewhat resemble what it will be about. It doesn’t have to be anything flashy, and sometimes less is more. However, it does need to grab the viewer’s attention and entice them to click on your video.

Have fun as you create and upload videos. YouTube has the potential for your business to reach a wider audience across the world, and eventually increase your revenue.

6 Tips to Help You Effectively Work From Home

Working from home is not as easy as many like to think. There’s the image that working from home means you can get up whenever you want, work at your leisure from your pajamas, schedule daytime appointments, and that it’s a luxurious lifestyle. While that may be true for some, it isn’t always the case.

The truth is that working from home can be just as difficult, sometimes more difficult than going to the office.

When you’re at an office for work, you’re less likely to get distracted by your surroundings as you could at home. You have your working hours that are not to be disrupted. For those who work from home, many quickly find the distractions are too much to stay focused. It’s easy to fall out of routine and ultimately fall behind in work.

Your Corporate Business Solutions Consultants understand the challenges of working from home. Since that has become the norm for many individuals, we have six tips to help you effectively work from home.

Keep Your Regular Working Hours

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to keep your regular hours. Don’t fall into the trap of sleeping in and doing work whenever you please. Instead, keep your regular schedule you would typically have if you went to an office.

Plan Out Each Day

Planning becomes more essential to stay focused when you’re at home. Start your morning off with a few minutes of planning what you need to achieve. It’s the perfect thing to do while you’re enjoying your morning coffee.

Have a Separate Workspace

If you think that you’ll be fine working at the kitchen table with everything else around you, there’s a good chance it won’t happen. Although for some, the household distractions don’t bother them, and they have no issue working anywhere in the house. For the majority, though, that separate workspace is significant. It’ll help you stay organized and keep things quiet so you can work efficiently.

Separate Your Work Life and Personal Life

A challenge many people face is the overlapping of work and personal time. When the two start to intertwine, you’ll find yourself working in the evenings and on weekends. You end up feeling like you’re always working and never have time off. So, by keeping your work life and personal life separate, it allows you to turn off your work mode so you can enjoy the other aspects of your life.

Give Yourself Breaks

It doesn’t matter where you work. You need to take breaks. Studies have found that when you take breaks in your day, it actually can boost productivity and creativity. Not only that, but for your mental health, those breaks give you a chance to destress and compose yourself before heading back to the job.

Dress for Success

As tempting as it is to stay in your pajamas while working from home if you want to be the most effective, dress for the day. When you’re wearing sweats and a baggy t-shirt, how do you usually feel? Likely like you want to relax the day away. Instead, when you put on clothes that you normally would for work, it can bring you into the productive mindset you need for the day.

As many people around the world continue to work from home this year, use the above tips to help you stay productive for a successful day of work.

6 Tips to Stay Organized as a Small Business Owner

There are many skills a small business owner has that aid in the success of their business. From perseverance to communication, each ability provides value to you and your business.

One of those skills is organization.

Companies must stay organized. Lack of organization often leads to issues, missed dates, and potentially losing out on clients and sales. No business wants to go through this.

Improve your organizational skills to be the best small business owner you can be. Our Corporate Business Solutions consultants have six tips to help you improve your organizational skills.

Plan Your Days and Weeks in Advance

Planning is the key to stay organized. It’s a way to know what you need to accomplish and by when. A good tip is to spend the first few moments of your workday planning out what your priorities are, what’s next up, and what are things you’d like to achieve but can wait. Don’t forget to plan out later in the week to see upcoming appointments and deadlines.

Planning takes us into our next tip…

Prioritize Your To-Do List

Everyone can benefit from prioritizing their lives. When you prioritize, you’re putting the pressing matters at the top of your list. These are the items you have to get done that day.

If you think about it, why would you spend hours working on a project that isn’t needed until next week if you have a deadline coming up in a couple of days? Once you complete the priority items, then you can make your way to the other tasks.

Declutter Your Office and Desk

A cluttered space isn’t doing you any good. Although there’s a mentality that a cluttered office is a sign of a busy person, it isn’t a sign of proper organization.

Having a clean working space not only looks good and allows you to work smoothly, but it’s also a way to ease stress and keep you motivated.

Label Storage and Folders

Have you ever spent more time than needed looking for a particular file? Even if it’s 30 extra seconds browsing through each folder to find the one you need, that adds up in a year. Not only that, but it also adds more stress to your life.

Help keep essential documents organized by labeling storage containers and folders. Spending a few extra minutes setting up will save you time and stress down the road.

Learn About Time Management

Time management is a crucial element of staying organized. You can plan everything out correctly, but if you don’t manage your time, that plan won’t help you much.

Managing your time efficiently helps boost productivity, efficiency, organization (think less scrambling around), and makes your life overall less stressful.

Use Cloud-Based Services

Are you still stuck with things like paper receipts? Unless you’re good at filing them right away, consider software that takes a snapshot of the receipt and stores it virtually. It’s a way to reduce clutter and keep your finances organized.

Cloud-based services are an excellent way to keep employees linked together. You can have calendars that select people to see and edit, or have a running document with tasks to achieve in the week.

Staying organized is an essential task of managing a business. Without it, even the smallest task can quickly become overwhelming and cause problems.

Master your organizational skills to keep you and your business successful and stress-free.

Develop the Perfect Marketing Strategy with Our 6 Points

Pretty much every business needs a marketing strategy. It’s this plan that helps spread the word of what you’re doing, reach new clients, and build your business into a thriving empire.

A solid marketing strategy includes multiple elements. From social media to designing your website, each method you use to reach clients should fall under your marketing plan.

Where do you start, though?

Developing this plan isn’t always the easiest. That’s why at reviews for Corporate Business Solutions, we put together six points to get you started.

Lay Out Your Starting Point

You have to start somewhere, and it’s best to know where you’re beginning from. This first step is likely the easiest as you’re laying out your current situation.

Write out all products and services you offer, your current target audience, your social media following, niche, and what sets you apart from your competitors. After you have your starting point, you can proceed to the next step.

Narrow Down Your Business Goals

Before anything, you must have business goals. Short-term and long-term goals keep you on the right path that is best for your company. Without them, reaching your end goal (a successful business) will look like a zigzag that can cause confusion and disarray.

Create SMART goals – specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. These goals help hold you accountable and are practical enough for your business to achieve. Once you have those, you’ll use your marketing strategy to help reach them.

Create a SWOT Analysis

Have you heard of a SWOT analysis before? If not, it’s time to become familiar with it.

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis are what showcase your strengths, weaknesses, and factors that affect you reaching your goals. It’s a chance for you to brainstorm points that help you understand yourself and your business a bit better.

Define Your Target Audience

You can almost guarantee that any marketing strategy tips you read; it will include defining your target audience. That’s because this is a crucial step.

Throw away the idea that you can appeal to every single individual on this planet. It’s just not possible. Instead, you want to focus on a specific group. Using what you’ve laid out so far with the steps above, define your group by personal characteristics, geographic location, career, interests, and anything else you deem essential.

Set a Budget

Although there are many free ways to market your business, there will come the point when you need to invest a few dollars. Without a budget, those few dollars can quickly get out of control.

Set a realistic budget for what your business finances are like. Include elements like social media ads, radio, television, print, highway signs, and any other features you may utilize.

Brainstorm Marketing Ideas

Once you have the specifics nailed down, you can start to brainstorm ideas. Enjoy this process as it’s your chance to be creative.

Plan out ideas that you are likely to use. Write out the details of each design. Once you have a plan, break it down to see if it ties into your marketing plan you’ve worked on. Does this idea help you reach your defined business goals?

Your marketing strategy is a way to boost your business and reach the goals you layout for your company. Don’t forget about this vital element of running a business. Taking the time now will offer great rewards in the future.

Affiliate Marketing Program – Why It May Be Worth Introducing

Have you ever logged onto your social media account to see someone posing with a new product, telling you how awesome it is? If you look at the description, chances are they have a discount code you can use to get a percentage off.

This is a style of affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is an excellent way to get the word out about your products and services to a broader audience – more than you likely could with regular marketing. It’s a massive market worth over $12 billion and shows no signs of slowing down.

So, how does affiliate marketing work, and is it worth setting up for your business? Our Corporate Business Solutions reviews break down affiliate marketing and why it’s worth considering.

Affiliate Marketing 101 – How It Works

At its core, affiliate marketing is when you have someone who advertises your products and services to their following. It can be through their social media accounts, blog posts, YouTube channels, and other platforms that reach a following.

A typical affiliate will either purchase your product at a discounted price or receive something small for free to begin. Then, they share their personal experience with your product, which would draw in others to try it themselves.

An affiliate would have his or her discount code that they would share with their followers. You often see the discount code as their name for 15 percent off the purchase price. It’s enough to entice someone to buy, but not too steep that you’re losing money. When someone uses this code, the affiliate will gain a small commission from the sale (think of it as their paycheque for bringing you in more sales).

It doesn’t have to be a discount code, though. You can also provide the affiliate with a unique URL that they share with their followers. When someone uses said link to make a purchase or sign up for a service, the affiliate will receive a commission that way.

Is It Worth Having an Affiliate Marketing Program?

For starters, affiliate marketing is probably one of the least expensive forms of advertisement out there (besides word of mouth, which is free). The great thing about it is that you only pay the affiliate when a sale is made. If the affiliate doesn’t generate any leads, you don’t pay a cent.

Another benefit is that your affiliate marketer reaches his or her established audience. There’s a decent chance that many of their following doesn’t know about your business. As the affiliate shares posts about your products and services, your brand awareness increases. It’s a way for you to reach a wider audience, gain new clientele, and establish relationships you may otherwise not have gotten.

Of course, one of the main benefits of affiliate marketing is a boost in sales. Even after you pay out the small commission, you’re still increasing your sales. Not only that, because you’ve gotten the word out to a new client, but you also increase your chance of having a repeat customer and having them share with their following too.

Affiliate marketing is a win-win for both sides. The affiliate earns a few bucks as you gain brand awareness, customers, and sales.

If you go this route, create criteria for who can be an affiliate of your brand. You’ll want trustworthy people that will help positively promote your business.

Is The Time Right To Exit My Business?

Every business owner needs to acknowledge that they will want to leave their business at some stage. Therefore, thinking of a business exit strategy from the very beginning couldn’t be more important. Many things need to be borne in mind when exit planning, but perhaps the most vital has to be timing considerations.

Here at, our consultants know how important it is to think well in advance about how to exit a business as early as possible. Therefore, we’ll take a look at how to know when the time is right to exit a business.

The Lifecycle Of Your Business

Whatever kind of business you have, it has its own lifecycle. Knowing where your company is within its own lifecycle is key since this will impact in a major way on how sellable your business is. While there isn’t a single perfect time for selling a business, if you know the exact stage that your business is at, you can ascertain an accurate valuation and, therefore, build a sales pitch that will convince potential buyers. For example, if your high growth business is under a year old, you might require more time in order to progress towards a mature stage, while businesses that are already in their mature stage could require diversification if its value is to increase and its appeal is to extend to a wider pool of buyers.

Is The Time Of Year Right For Selling Your Business?

When you’re timing your business sale, its seasonality shouldn’t be overlooked. For example, if you consider e-commerce enterprises, most notice a significant increase in sales around the busier shopping period from October to January. In the case of some e-commerce websites, this may account for more than half of the company’s annual revenue.

While it may feel natural to sell your business right after this especially lucrative time of year, however, it’s important to consider whether any buyer would be interested in acquiring the company in February but having to wait for 8 months until real returns start to come in. This would have a material impact on how much the buyer would be willing to pay for the company.

With this in mind, timing your exit around lucrative periods is vital.

Is It The Right Choice For Your Business?

Timing is essential to successful sales. There are numerous factors that come into play and, therefore, you need to make sure that you don’t just sell for the right reason, but that you sell at the right time too. Selling your business under duress or too quickly is almost certainly going to end up getting you a low sale price. In general, the longer you’re able to keep your business, the better the chances of your business having a fully-developed exit plan, and the greater the value you can achieve when you sell it.

When it comes to timing your business exit, it’s important to take professional advice. The Corporate Business Solutions team is on hand to answer your questions and help you to draw up an effective strategy for the long-term.

Can I Avoid Intellectual Property Theft?

Most businesses these days are highly reliant on knowledge and innovation to beat their competition and, thus, achieve success. In many cases, their IP (Intellectual Property) is the asset that is most valuable to them, and so, it’s considered to be extremely sensitive information.

Intellectual Property comes in many types. It includes trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and patents. While some intellectual property is protected by federal and state laws, such as innovations, formulas, media products, music, web content, and technological advances, other types are not.

Since the protection of the intellectual property is an extremely complex area, it’s important to seek professional advice. This is where Corporate Business Solutions can help, by offering assistance and guidance about how to avoid the possibility of intellectual property theft.

What Is Intellectual Property Theft?

When someone steals assets such as those mentioned above, it is known as intellectual property theft. The potential outcome of such thefts includes economic damage, a slowing down of business growth, and loss of the company’s competitive edge. It’s easy to see, then, that IP theft is a major concern for any business, and statistics show that world economies lose billions every year due to intellectual property theft in a range of categories such as pirated software, patent infringement, and counterfeit goods.

There are some misconceptions that small businesses don’t fall victim to intellectual property theft. Yet, this isn’t the case at all. Actually, the Netwrix IT Risk Report shows that small and mid-sized businesses are more vulnerable than enterprises to intellectual property theft.

The Most Commonly Experienced Intellectual Property Theft Scenarios

Some of the most common IP theft scenarios include:

  • Human error – if employees lose a device, accidentally send a file containing company secrets outside their business network, or share confidential information with an unauthorized party, intellectual property theft can occur.
  • Malware infiltration – malicious software allows criminals to steal intellectual property by attacking company computer networks.
  • Privilege abuse – employees may exploit their own access to company files and sensitive information by committing economic espionage.

How Can Companies Protect Themselves From IP Theft?

Organizations still aren’t doing enough to protect themselves from IP theft. They tend to underestimate risks that their employees present and even fail to put security basics in place. Therefore, several practices are recommended to improve security in this respect:

  • Gaining greater visibility of sensitive data – when companies know precisely what sensitive data they have and exactly who has access to it, they can build a stronger security system.
  • Establishing a policy for data security – this policy will define how any security threat is addressed, specify the controls that are necessary to mitigate security vulnerabilities in the IT system, and define a plan for recovery if an intrusion into the network occurs.
  • Monitoring of employee activities – even when employers trust their workers, it’s important to acknowledge they still represent a major threat. Critical mistakes can easily be made, so establishing monitoring processes of user behavior is essential.
  • Providing employee training – when employees have poor cybersecurity awareness, the chances of intellectual property loss are greater. Establishing a comprehensive training program for workers based on their access level and the role is important to ensure that misunderstandings are avoided.

Intellectual Property – An Important Driver Of Growth And Competitiveness

It’s clear that intellectual property is vital for driving a business’s growth and competitiveness, and therefore it must be a key element in any security strategy. Building strong lines of defense requires involvement throughout the company at every level and putting clear security policies in place surrounding the protection of sensitive data couldn’t be more important to minimize risks.


Struggling With Your Business Instagram Game? 6 Tips to Optimize Your Profile

It’s no secret that for a business to succeed, you most likely need to have a social media presence. Consumers typically search online for a company before going there, and their social media account often is the first to pop up.

Instagram has become a top priority for many companies and their marketing strategy. Posting pictures and behind-the-scene videos of the company can do wonders in promoting what you’re doing.

Don’t miss out on more opportunities by not having an Instagram account. You’ll be surprised by how much it can provide for you.

At Corporate Business Solutions Consultants, we have six points to optimize your Instagram profile for a successful social media strategy.

Choose a High-Quality Profile Picture

Don’t make the mistake of thinking your profile picture doesn’t matter, because it really does. You want something that represents what your brand is. If you have a logo, that is always a good place to start.

The profile picture should speak to who you are. That way, when someone sees that photo somewhere on their feed, they know right away it’s you without looking at your name.

Not only that, make sure the picture is high-quality and not pixelated.

Put Descriptive Words in Your Bio

The bio on your profile is a place for your creativity to shine. Have some fun with it (while still being professional and relevant to your business).

Add keywords that relate to your company. You don’t have a lot of space, so spend some time narrowing down what your business is to a few short lines.

Instagram also added the use of hashtags and tagging other profiles. This is something you should take advantage of. Adding hashtags allows people to follow those related to your brand.

Make Your Own Hashtag

While you’re at it, create your own hashtag for your company. The great thing about hashtags is that anyone that uses them in a post, you’ll be able to see those photos and videos. If you make a hashtag for your business, customers can follow it and get all of the related content in one spot.

Add Your Website

Chances are you have a website for your business. If you don’t, you need to invest in one. Websites are critical for consumers to get valuable information before deciding if they like your business.

Your Instagram profile has a spot for websites that you’ll want to add. Once you have that, you can use their analytics to track how many people use that link to visit your website.

Keep Things Tidy

Because of the limited space on your profile, try to keep it as tidy as possible. Having paragraphs of words or filling it with nothing but emojis can get distracting and hard to follow.

Your profile is meant to be short, sweet, and to the point. So, add line breaks and keep your sentences short. Utilize emojis, but watch that you don’t go overboard.

Incorporate a Call to Action\

Having a call to action is always a good idea. A call to action helps prompt viewers to perform an action you want them to do. For example, if you have something on your website you want people to see, tell them to click on your website link.

The above six points can help get you on the path of having a killer Instagram profile that stands out. Make your account successful. Spend time creating a solid, relevant and creative profile.

Feeling Disconnected From Your Team? 6 Ideas to Help Boost the Office Morale

Whether you’ve been in business for decades or only a few months, you quickly learn that it’s your team that holds the company together.

Research has proven that office morale affects productivity, and it’s easy to see why. If you don’t enjoy going to work and being around your coworkers or employees, it’s challenging to try and get any work done. You’ll likely be counting down the hours until your day is done.

Are you in need of boosting morale at your workplace? Corporate Business Solutions Consultants have a few tricks up their sleeve to help you out.

Start With a Positive Work-Life Balance

Boosting office morale doesn’t have to be simply rewards, games, or team meetings to discuss issues. Promoting a positive work-life balance can do wonders for people. People need time away from the office, emails, coworkers, phone calls, and everything else work related to unwind and decompress.

Starting with something small as having no emails after a particular time policy can make a huge difference right there.

Interact With the Team Outside the Office

Have you ever seen coworkers or employees outside of the office? They’re likely quite different than what you see at work.

Take some time to meet with people outside of the office now and then. You may be surprised by the relationships and connections you develop that can keep a positive vibe in the office.

Recognize a Job Well Done Publicly

There are ways that you can publicly acknowledge a job well done without making others feel left out or embarrassing anyone. It can be as simple as saying an excellent job at coffee break, taking a few seconds to showcase hard work at the next meeting, or making a note in an email.

If you want to go this route, though, ensure that you take the time to recognize everyone’s hard work, so no one feels left out.

Don’t Sweep Things Under the Rug

As uncomfortable as confrontation may be, it’s necessary to ensure that any issues that arise at work (that are work-related) are appropriately dealt with. As hard as everyone works to boost morale and create a positive work environment, issues will pop up.

Not dealing with problems tends to only cause them to bubble into even bigger ones, and that never ends well.

Be Mindful of Everyone’s Schedule

No one likes a boss that doesn’t care about everyone’s schedules and makes people work on a Sunday afternoon. Allowing employees to still maintain their schedules even if it does mean leaving for an appointment in the afternoon can go a long way.

If someone keeps purposely scheduling personal items during work continually, then you may have a problem.

Ask For Feedback

Some of the best things a team can do are learn from one another. Bouncing ideas around to help boost morale (as it’s them that are affected), can bring forward fresh new ideas that could make a drastic difference at work.

Now and then, hold a meeting that talks about office feelings and what everyone can do to keep the office a place people want to be at.

The more you can do to keep the workplace morale high, the better the business will run. Always remember – the team keeps the company running smoothly.